The Kirkie Krew

Monday, June 25, 2007


Hi there!

We are on line!!! Well sort of. We have wireless but it doesnt work out at Gundallie, untill we get a big mother aerial. But I can use it in the shop!!! WWOOOOHHHOOOO.

So now I can show off our beautifull property and my family, which includes a lot of animals! The first piccie is of a sunset on Gundallie taken from where our house will "one day" be.

The next piccie is of Jesse and his grade 7 class after they recieved their badges at a ceremony. Jesse is the 2007 PR officer! As funny as it sounds, it really suits him. Everyone in grade 7 got a special job, as there is only 11 or 12 in grade 7. He had a day at the high school last week to start integrating them, and he loved it. He cooked pizza in Home Ec, learnt how to show cattle in Ag Studies and built a spreadsheet in the Computer Lab. I am so glad he likes it..I worry so much about the big leap to high school, my baby! Jesse is the one standing next to the principle Mrs Kropp, in the black singlet.

The last piccie of the day is of KRS Beggar Bingo (his registered name) better known as Buddy, with Hollie. He is a quarter horse paint, who is trained in Western Pleasure, Hunter under Saddle and has started reining as well. He is push button, just a magnificant animal, and stunning to look at to top it off. He was very full of himself when he first came to live with us, but after living with my mare, Diva, for a few months, she has pulled him into line, and he now has good mannors. I think there is a good line i could put in here about how men need a good woman, blah blah blah!!!

Well I hope this finds you all in good health, and in lots of rain...We have had 72mm at Gundallie in the past few days, its been great! Do I sounds like a farmer??Do I, huh Do I?

Love and green fields


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Hayley said...

You sound in such good spirits! Love a good tale, and you SO sound like a farmer - you do, you do!

At 5:11 AM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...

Yes of course you sound like a farmer, you are a natural. Just a little addition to my comments on McBlog - and it's great to see you online again - was talking to Charlie last night and he was talking about being brought up on the land (his dream also is to get some acres, like Bill) and he said that those years in Amamoor have produced the most wonderful memories of a life of childhood bliss.... watching our first calf born on the place.... all of us sitting next to Daisy (Deg with a bottle in hand) as she produced her first son - she didn't mind the audience - all the boys mesmorised by the sheer nature of it all. The Cane Toad abattoirs - best we don't remember that....
Killing the huge snake that was eating out baby chickens one by one - using my stay-sharp knife....
Fabulous times, your kids will be so enriched by this experience. Good on you and Benn.!!!

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Jen said...

I love that first picture, of the sunset. It looks beautiful. I haven't seen the farm at night yet! Soon, soon...

At 12:02 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Hey, been trying to send you an invite to read my blog, but your e-mail inbox is too full!!!

Is there anywhere else i can send it? Or let me know when it's free to send one!

At 5:04 AM, Blogger The Candid Bandit said...

Amie True!

I was just reading this post and I looked back...

only 8 posts ago you did an ode to Steve Irwin. Today was the annviersary of his death.

Does that mean you've done only 8 posts in one year?

Not good enough ;) LOL


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