The Kirkie Krew

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Well there you go!!
You all requested photos of me and you got me!!! Larger then life and pissed as a fart!

How sad is it that I could only find a couple of piccies of me and I was Molly the Monk in both. The first one is Andi and I at the Mud Bulls and Music last year. We had a phat time! For those who dont know Andi, she has been my best friend since high school, and is Hollie's Fariy God Mother. We also both joined the ambulance about 8 years ago and have both since resigned, so we have great war stories to tell after a few drinks, best not told while eating LOL!! Andi is a horse GURU and could write a book with all the knowledge she contains on the issue, so I am very privilaged to have her around while I am trying to train my horse, Diva.

The second photo was taken at the local pub in Caloundra with Andi and her sister, Renea. It was taken by one of those random photographers that post them on the internet and you can download them for free, and you get all there advertising with it!!Yah!! Its great for those of us who dont remember to carry cameras with us!

Here is my horse, Diva. Isnt she lovely?? Andi bought her for herself, but once she realised how quite and smart she was, she sold her to me. She has been a bit naughty lately but Andi came out and rode her for about 90 minutes and now everything is fixed, she just needed a tune up. We still have a bit of training left before I can start seriously working in the direction I want her in, but I am having a ball along the way. Look out for our names in lights at the next rodeo near you!! Hey, dreams are free!

Well enough about me, I will write again soon after the holidays, its just too busy at the moment to get time out, and Benn's dad, Gregg and his wife Susan are coming to stay for 10 days after Jorja's birthday. We are going out to Australia Zoo, and all the other tourist things so it should be fun.

Love and crocodile tears


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Jes said...

Hi Amie, you look fantastic. I am the same with photos of myself - ZERO... I said to Ben one day, if something ever happened to me, the kids would think that you brought them up yourself, without me (cause tonnes of pics with him and the boys - none with me). When i get into shape we are going to get family potraits (spelling) done.
Love to you all,

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Jes said...

oh, and your horse is b-e-a-utiful.

At 5:08 AM, Blogger Jen said...

YAY... I love seeing photos of you, your smile makes me smile!!
Diva is devine! Hallie has been begging me for a horse (need to get a farm first huh!) They are so much hard work, where on earth do you get the time??

Love Jen

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...

Lovely pics Ames, and lovely to see that Andrea is STILL your best friend - and probably always will be. One best friend is worth one hundred acquaintences. And yes, awdmitting (somewhat proudly) that you DO take more after your Auntie Pin than your Mum - in the partying aspect at least!!!


At 1:25 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Hi Amie,
Just a quick note to wish you luck tomorrow with the sleepover!
Give Jorja a big 'Happy Birthday' kiss and hug from us!
Can't wait to see her again (and the other kiddies)

Love & Little girls,

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Jes said...

Happy Birthday Jorja!!!

Love from us!

At 6:07 AM, Blogger Hayley said...

Yee haw, cowgirl!

FINALLY a post about YOU, good to see what you've been up to, Ames.

Looks like you really love the horsey-thing. I think they're beautiful, but am a bit scared of the suckers up close to be honest!

Hope you had fun with the little girls at Jorja's bday party.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Hi Amie,

You've been very quiet!~
How's everyone going?

xx oo Jen

At 4:54 AM, Blogger The Candid Bandit said...


I cant see youuuuuuu.... *presses nose against screen*


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