The Kirkie Krew

Friday, August 11, 2006

School photos

Just looking at the school photos of the kids for the past couple of years. The first one is of when Jorja was in Prep, so she would have been 4, turning 5, and Jesse would have been 9 in grade 4. Look at how much their little faces have developed, it is like they have become wiser with knowledge. (I really cant remember letting Jesse go to school with that 'do' in grade 5!!!)I cant wait till I have all three of them in school photos, but I will have to wait another 2 years for that.

Not much has been going on in the kirkie household. We are very busy working in the shop, and trying to finish off the renovations on our home. We are also looking for some land to build a new home on, when will sell our current one. We really need about 5 to 10 acres for my horse, and to let the children run free!!! We don't want to move too far away, just out to Landsborough or Mooloolah.

Benn and Jesse are still mad keen on their mountain bikes, and are off to conquer a mountain this weekend, Jorja is going to see the Nutcracker on Ice with Sherry and Gwen on Saturday, and Hollie and I will try to stay out of mischief. A friend and I were going to try and organise a night out in Brisbane on Saturday, at the cattlemans bar at the Ekka Show. It apparently is a great night, but it takes a bit of organising so I will keep you posted on that one.

Jesse is at a School dance right now, and Benn and I are about to pig out on chocolate with Jorja (Hollie is in bed)so I will write again soon...Sorry about the extended delay between posts!!!

Love and 80s music (Do they still play that at school dances???)


At 3:16 PM, Blogger The Candid Bandit said...

What a great comparison! Jorja's face especially has 'grown' up alot.

It's weird. I simply can't forsee Bradman (or future) children actually going to school yet. It must have hit you like a tonne of bricks when they finally did.

When I left QLD, Jorja was still a newborn. Isn't that weird?

80's music is cool now, dontcha know? It never went out of fashion (in my house) and I still have all the cassettes to prove it. Cassettes? LOL

Glad to see your update and I hope you enjoyed the chockies!

At 12:29 AM, Blogger Hayley said...

Love the photos!

Jesse's hair looks like it is lightening as he gets older - must be the beach lifestyle...we can dream.

It's great to see them together in photos for comparisons. I'm going to get them every year to go on the 'shame wall' at my kids' 21sts! LOL

Love Hayley

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...

Great to see you back in print, I've been checking every cupla days....
Did you read the comment I wrote about Nanny? Does she have a computer Ames?
HEY, Billy's mare had a beautiful little palamino colt (VERY posh pedigree...) he's extatic, you should go for a drive and have a look!

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Amie, they are adorable!!!!!
Jesse will definately be the little heart breaker huh?
Nice when you can see a comparison, i'll have to rip mine out and put them together.


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