The Kirkie Krew

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Merry Cristmas

Why is Christmas always the busiest time of the year? We know it is coming...every year, but no matter how carefully you plan the whole event, last minute things just pop up and make you busy all over again! I must say, we have really brought it all on ourselves. Our farm settled yesterday, and now comes all the work to get it ready to live on before the kids go back to school on the 29th of Jan. The kids have had their interviews at the new school, and they love it. It is in the middle of a huge paddock, and they quite often have to shooo cows and lamas out of the playground. It seems very personal and caring, so although the snob was coming out in me a bit with the kids at a 'private school'(said with nose in the air), I am very happy to have them move to Mt Kilcoy Primary. They will be mixing it with the famous there as Craig Lowndes lives just up the road and comes in to talk to the kids often, and his child will be starting about the same time as Hollie!

I am back working full time in the ambulance, and I must say, I am loving it. I didnt realise how mush I missed all my friends, and it has been great getting the cobwebs of the old brain.

I will be sending chrissy cards as soon as I get the annual christmas photos of the kids. Would you all be so kind as to send your addresses if you post comments, I would really appreciate it.

Here is a photo of Benn and I, the proud new owners out the front of our new 34 acres at Sandy Creek. If you can think of any cool names for our new block, I would love to hear them!

Here is a photo of Jesse with his surf board under is arm ( he had been paddeling in the dam, no surf out here!) and Ace, our Springer Spaniel, running up our new driveway!

Love and Christmas Cheer!


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Jes said...


I have so many names for your farm...just cant think of any right now :)

My postal addy is 6 Bathurst Street, COBAR NSW 2835.

Is there a house on your block, or do you have to build?

Is this the new location for McReunion - LOL

Merry Christmas Kirkwoods!

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Wow, you both look so very proud of your new purchase!! (Rum in hand and all) - Where was your drink??

Scott's parents named their property with half her family place & half his, 'Coragula'. So Scott & I will call our future farm 'Corallie Park'... LOL
A nice mix of all three properties.

You could go all 'typical' and use everyone's initials? BAJJH (but add some vowels)
Or I've seen this done a few times, a mix of your names - Benames LOL.

Have fun choosing!!

So how far away are you moving from your mum & family??
I've got a little suprise!! Scott applied for a job at Cracow mine, to be flown in & out from the sunshine coast!!

Glad to hear that you are enjoying work, you've really gotta love what you do huh?

Ok, here's my postal - 7 Mulga Court, Dubbo 2830.
I forgot to put a return address on your card. Did you get it?

Love you lots!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...


bienvenue means welcome.... ami is friend.... (French) How about BIEN (which is pronounced Ben I think, ask Go Go) - VENUE AMI??? - Welcome friend...
OK a bit corny I spose!! Hey, obviously Jes and Jen are just as loyal as I am, and must check your post almost every day. We've been waiting SO long to hear what's going on!! Great to see you in print again, and just bluddy fabulous about the farm. I guess Nanny won't get up there too regularly, but she'll certainly be coming up to visit when I get home. I can't wait!!
Yeah, what's the house like?


At 5:10 PM, Blogger Jes said...

la vie d'amour = love life (french)

casa ocupada = busy house (spanish)

castillo del kirkwood = Kirkwood Castle (spanish)

château de kirkwood = Kirkwood Castle (french)

I love translation web sites!

If Ben and I ever brought a property we would call it "Urquhart Castle" or similar!

Have fun deciding - i cant even decide on a name for my pup!

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear yr so happy back at work, will you be moving workplaces as well with your house move?

The farm looks gorgeous and y'all look SO pleased with yrselves. Love Jesse with surfboard. Brent takes Lukey to the River with the boogeyboard and it makes me think of Qld everytime I see them go *sighs*

You're going to be a busy crew of beavers in the next month or so, aren't you? Where will Jesse be going to school? Gotta love that Craig Lowndes connection - the boys down this end would be so jealous if you got to meet him, LOL!

As for property names, I like the mixture of family names ideas.

Jesjorolie? Nup?
Holorjes? Nup?
McKirket? Nup?
doowkrik? Nup?
benamwood? Nup?

Hmmm...maybe not...good luck with the naming. Are you gonna have a ceremony (complete with champagne bottle to crack on the front gate)?

Postal addy is PO Box 106, Wilcannia 2836

Have a great xmas and a fun new year. Do they have a big new years do in kilcoy? isn't that where the yeti lives?


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Kirkies said...

Thanks for all yur comments! No there is no house on the farm, we are putting a shed on it as we speak, and much to mums disgust, we will live in it while the house is being built. All going well the house will be ready about june/July next year, than I will ready for the visitors!!!It is only 50 minutes from the coast, and Yep the Yeti does live there Hayley. Early next year is the annual Woodford folk festival which is the biggest of its type in the southern hemisphere!!If anyone ever wants to come and stay, we would be stoked as we will have a big SPARE ROOM. That is very exciting when you have three kids. Not may houses have that many rooms! I will get on to sending out cards today! Thanks Jen for your card, it made my day!
Love to you all,

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Mat and Sash said...



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