The Kirkie Krew

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mixed Feelings

Today is my first shift back in the ambulance, and I must say it comes with mixed feelings. I am excited to see all my old friends again (you make very close friends when you are put in terrifying and devistating situations with someone day in day out). But I am very nervous about how I will handle things thrown my way. I have not entered an Ambulance since I saw mum being wheeled out of one covered in blood, when she had that horrible vein burst in her throat. So I just needed to tell everyone that in case you have to let the man in the white coat know why I wont stop staring into space, rocking in the corner....LOL Nah...She'll be right mate!

Well on to some great news! Benn and I have just signed a contract on a beautiful 34 acre block at Sandy Creek, about 10 kms from Kilcoy. It has no house, or fences, just a beautiful big dam and a massive mountain at the back. I love it! We will have to sell our beach house to gain this property, but I feel it is small price to pay for a dream. We are going to start learning about looking after cattle and what are the right breeds for the area (any help out there???)and hopefully make a bit of money on the side. I am already planning my massive veggie plantation, and fruit orchard. Anyone who knows me will also know that I will have every animal I can fit in a paddock. My horse is going to love it out there, as the block happens to be next door to Andi (she has also just signed a contact for 30 odd acres) and she is building a flood-lit rodeo style arena, and as her man in a bronc rider, it will also have shutes (Jesse has already said he want to ride one of our potty calves at first chance..mental note: dont tell mum, she may never let me leave)

I know it is delayed, but here is a photo of Jorja's birthday party. The girls had just had a shower after playing at the beach, and were all pulling funny faces. Hollie had heaps of fun hangin out with the big girls.

Well must go and get ready for work,
Love and country air


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...

Oh Ames, HUGE congratulations to you & Benn.... That block looks just fabulous, and I can't wait to tell Billy (He's just decided that 5 acres might do after many dollars and much sweat and almost finished getting his place totally perfect). I just know that when he reads your post he'll get restless again....
I am SO happy for you (and yeah, don't even MENTION 60-seconds to your mother!!!)


At 12:56 AM, Blogger Jes said...

Congratulations - wow! So you made your decisions...I am sure you are all stoked - I am jelous!

How have you all been going?

Congrats about going back to work. Have you still got the shop? That will be very 'mixed feelings' for you I would imagine. I could never do what you 'ambo's' do for a are very brave for doing such a thankless job.

Good luck with it and i hope the man in the white coat does not have to come for you are so funny!

Love & bravery

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Jen said...

*sings* "Wide open spaces"
How beautiful is that?....
So happy that you found 'your slice of heaven'.

I was watching a current affair last night about the drunks and the ambo's/hospital staff etc and immediately thought of you! haha, what a day eh?

I didn't know that Lindy got sick!
I really hate living SO far away from you guys. Was it long ago?
Hope she's well now.

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Hayley said...

A couple of shifts, and a few fast rides down median strips, and it'll be like you never left, i'm sure. I know if I had to get carted away in an ambulance (NOT by the men in white coats, btw), i'd be quite happy to see you in there!

So what's up with the shop? Still have it? Raking in so much dough that you can afford to hire full time staff? Or just needing a break from it?

There's so much of that outback blood in our veins, isn't there? When we were living on the Coast, just hearing Lee Kernaghan's 'A Bushman Can't Survive on City Lights' would make me tear up every time. So glad you've found your own wide open spaces, with lots of room for us to come and


At 1:07 AM, Blogger Jes said...

Hey Amie,
Whats going on in the world of Kirkwood's?
Hope to hear more tales soon.
Love Jes

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Jen said...

So how did your first shift go?
I found a great quote that i thought you'd like:

Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.
John Wayne (1907 - 1979)

Can't wait to hear from you again!
Love to you,


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