The Kirkie Krew

Monday, August 28, 2006

Busy Little Bee's

Our family has been very busy the last couple of weeks. We are slogging along with our renovations, we just have the roof painted (Black) and we got a new front door and a floor to ceiling window in Jorja's room. On Staurday the renderers are coming to do the whole house. Then once the house is perfect, we will rent it out. We will be very pickie with the tenants, this house is our baby. We really need at least 5 acres of land so my horse (and a new one) can be in the back yard, and Benns wants a hill to make a jump track on for his bike riding. The space will be good for the kids too. I want this to be achived before Christmas....this year!

Jesse is competing in Brisbane today for high jump and sprinting, so he had to be at school by 6.30, and then I got home to find he had left his lunch box behind. I called the school and organised teachers to buy him lunch, poor muffin!

Jorja spent the morning singing, with headphones in (you know how you sound when you can't hear your own voice...) Although a little tone deaf, I was surprised to hear that she knew most of the words to the songs...thats my girl.

Hollie is hanging out with me today, and other then going out the horse to have a play, we dont have much planned.....It is pouring with rain so we will just have a lazy day. Then off to pick up Jorja and her friend Jasmine from school, to take them to gymnastics, than all the kids get picked up at 4.30 and its home to organise dinner.

About three weeks ago I brought home 2 little ducklings after going to the EKKA in Brisbane. Much to Benn's disgust!!! The ducks (Emo and Fernanand) have become part of the family and love chasing the kids around the yard in duck file. Next post I will put up a photo of them with the kids, my camera is playing up at the moment.

Mum is on holidays at the moment so she is relaxed and just starting to enjoy the house and gardens a bit. Her and PawPaw are going walking in the mornings and she is getting fit. Go Mumma!! She got a great new digital camera the other day (after my kids told her that hers was from the olden days) so as soon as she is on line she will be unstoppable.

Gogo lost a dear friend of her's last week, so has been a little bit down, as you can imagine. She really is an inspiration to me, what a wonderful strong and independant woman.

Sorry about rambling, just had to do the catch up thing...

Love to you all


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Jes said...

Hi Amie & Circus!

You do sound busy. I have been sick lately, so trying to rest up.

Post some pics of the house! Been a couple of years now since Ben, Lewis and i were there, would love to see it now.

We are renno-ing ours too - almost finished!

Talk Jes

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Hayley said...

Ah, the social lives of children...they have better ones than I do, bugger!

LOL at Jorja singing - I heard Lukey singing for the first time yesterday, the song from went something like 'brum brum he d caaaa', but he did it a couple of times, so I wasn't imagining it, I swear.

Say hi to Lindy (you go girl) and Goges 4 me - it wasn't clemmie was it, Ames? I know they were really close.

fyi - Troy Spratt & his family have land on Nobles Road, (Mooloolah?) and absolutely LOVE it. They have quite the menagerie going on & lots of room 4 the kids etc. Hope you find the right place.

Luv H

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...

Hi darling, great to see another post from you...
Spoke to Nanny this morning, she didn't mention Go Go's loss, who was it?? I was asking her about your plans to get onto some acreage - I am so pleased that it's really gonna happen. I remember when we brought the boys to Amamoor - there's nothing like the farm life for kids. Nothing.

Just spoke to my joey, he's in surgery now, I had a little tear when I heard his lonely (and just a little frightened) voice from 3,500 klms away telling me that the surgeon has said he may never get back the full use of his leg.
Spoke to Tom a few minutes later and he assured me that doctors always say that "To cover their arses" !!
How about some pics of the house?

See ya next week.

At 4:40 AM, Blogger The Candid Bandit said...

I want to see pics of the house too!

Gosh you do sound busy. Lots of things going on.

The land sounds great, I'm sure you'll find the perfect patch for you all and Im glad to hear Benn is keen on it too!

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Jes said...


You on channel? Breaka Breaka...LOL

You have been quiet lately - everything ok?


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