The Kirkie Krew

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


What a month!
Cant believe we lost Steve Irwin and Peter Brock in one week. Although we grew up with speedway and Peter Brock, The Croc Hunter's death has really rocked our family. I think it is cause we live and breath 'Crikey' on the coast. Every where you turn there is a massive photo of Steve or Bindi, and there family is so public around here. The local hairdresser does their hair, they do their shopping at Woolies and there kids go to school with freinds of ours. We really feel like he was part of our family. It is just such a waste of a life. Why did he have to die when he really did make a change in this world? Why do people like Ivan Mallat, and Osama Bin Ladin keep infesting our world?

Well enough of that...

We have been keeping busy as usual. The house has finished being rendered, and I have painted the front of the house and stained the front door, before the rain has stopped anymore for a while.

Benn is torn at the moment between going to the Qld titles for mountain biking and going to a bucks weekend in Byron with his mates. Both would mean he was gone from Friday till Sunday night, but one would be healthy for him, the other would be a total write off, but fun. This is all happening on the weekend of the 23rd September, so I will keep you posted. He is changing his mind daily at the moment.

Jesse is having trouble with an infected ear, and thinks he needs days off school for it (He is a smart kid, he goes to school but then goes to sick bay after morning tea so I have to take him home or the teachers think I am a wicked stepmother). He has been spending a bit of time on the Xbox lately, he goes through stages of hating it for months then is on it 24/7, except school days when it is banned.

Poor little Jorja is having a confusing time. The little girl over the back is in the middle of a violent seperation and Benn and I have unfortunetly got involved(long story) so she comes over crying her eyes out and talking of the violence her dad is inflicting on her mum. We have had big talks with the kids but life just doesn't make sense sometime! On the bright side, she has just gone up a level in gymnastics and is loving every bit of it, she still spends most of her life on her hands.

Hollie is growing so much every day. The other day we saw a toy zebra in the shop, and she said 'look donkey', mum said 'not donkey, zebra' so now that is what they are called "not nock-nee zeb-wa". It really is so cute! She just loves Dora at the moment so now that she is totally toilet trained she has Dora undies....which are shown to anyone that will stand still long enough....And if I have to watch Dora and Boots one more time on DVD I will rip the backpack off her!

Well that just leaves little ol' me!! I am still slogging it out in Infamous! and trying to organise Jorja's 7th birthday party. My horse has not been ridden since she tried to buck me off, but I am going to give her a run next weekend. I am trying natural horsemanship at the moment...teaching her using the 'kind' method with treats and lots of if she tries to throw me again we might try the 'you will go to the doggers' method!!! No just kidding, I love everything about it, you never stop learning, and it gives me 'ME' time, totally selfish me me me time. Altough I usually have the kids with me when I go out, I just have to sit them all on the fence line with food and drinks, with strick instructions not to enter the paddock or the horse will come and GETCHA!(that doesnt work for Jesse these days).

Well must go
Love to all the family


At 6:04 AM, Blogger Jes said...

I love your passion Amie, and enjoy reading your posts. You write in a way that i can physically imagaine you sitting in front of me talking!

You all sound so interesting... it is so sad we are not closer :(

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Jes, I totally agree. I really enjoy reading your stories too!!
It's terrible about Steve & Brocky, I forgot that the coast was his home..
Ames, you've posted pics of everyone but you!!
The girls love Dora too, when Dani was 2, we were in the supermarket and the lady said to Dani, "thank you" and Dan said "enada"
The lady said "what did she just say, and i said (very proudly) "you're welcome - in spanish" (thanks Dora!!)
I miss you all terribly and can't wait to have that coffee..
Love Jen

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Kimberley-Pin said...

No mention of our great night at Dusty!!!
Hope things have quitened down a bit next door Ames, it's a bit of a worry for you all, hey??
Wish I could have caught up with your babies while I was home - next time HOPEFULLY.

At 3:07 AM, Blogger The Candid Bandit said...

Jen, the lady in the shop was actually me. I still tell that story everyday. I was gobsmacked and Dani was so not miffed with it all.

Amie, the story 'bout Jorja's friend and the violent family breaks my heart. No child should ever have to witness or have that kind of violence around them. So sad.

The story of the zeb-wa was gorgeous and if Jesse has had ear problems like mine over the past month, I absolutely understand him wanting to stay home. Poor sausage.

Love to you & the krew,

I agree, we want pics of YOU!

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Hayley said...

Yay! Great to hear from you!

I'm with you on Steve Irwin, we used to take all of our visitors to the zoo. Can't wait to get back up there and see it - they were only partly thru the building of the crocoseum when we left. I bet it's just hi-uge now.

I noticed the time of this post, it's a bit like that isn't it? Hard to find time to do all the things we want to do? Glad yr getting that me me me time, it's so important.

Hi to the family, it's great to hear what you've all been up to.

xxx's and ooo's Hayley

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Hayley said...

Oh and btw, since we met Dora, we joke that he has a little brown girlfriend - he LOVES her! Over and over and over and over and over and over. Most of the words he says come from that girl! LOL

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Jes said...

Hi Kirkies!!!

How is everyone going? Did you go to Steve's thang at the crocoseum last week?


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