The Kirkie Krew

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I am back!

I still dont have the internet on out at Gundallie, hell I dont even have a phone, but I am getting closer. This site will be bombarded with photos of everthing from my veggie patch, my two horses, my lovely new house ( in the shape of a shed!) and my NOW feral children and husband who are loving the space to run and play from morning til night. We also just got a puppy 'Bindi'(foxie x jack russel to keep away the snakes and rats) and a kitten 'Moe'. We thought it was a good idea to get these new members while we are in the shed, and there is not much to destroy. I would break my heart to watch them poo and wee on new carpet!

I have to go to work now, but I will try and keep this a little more regular. Cant wait to share all my new photos!

Love and starry nights