The Kirkie Krew

Monday, June 25, 2007


Hi there!

We are on line!!! Well sort of. We have wireless but it doesnt work out at Gundallie, untill we get a big mother aerial. But I can use it in the shop!!! WWOOOOHHHOOOO.

So now I can show off our beautifull property and my family, which includes a lot of animals! The first piccie is of a sunset on Gundallie taken from where our house will "one day" be.

The next piccie is of Jesse and his grade 7 class after they recieved their badges at a ceremony. Jesse is the 2007 PR officer! As funny as it sounds, it really suits him. Everyone in grade 7 got a special job, as there is only 11 or 12 in grade 7. He had a day at the high school last week to start integrating them, and he loved it. He cooked pizza in Home Ec, learnt how to show cattle in Ag Studies and built a spreadsheet in the Computer Lab. I am so glad he likes it..I worry so much about the big leap to high school, my baby! Jesse is the one standing next to the principle Mrs Kropp, in the black singlet.

The last piccie of the day is of KRS Beggar Bingo (his registered name) better known as Buddy, with Hollie. He is a quarter horse paint, who is trained in Western Pleasure, Hunter under Saddle and has started reining as well. He is push button, just a magnificant animal, and stunning to look at to top it off. He was very full of himself when he first came to live with us, but after living with my mare, Diva, for a few months, she has pulled him into line, and he now has good mannors. I think there is a good line i could put in here about how men need a good woman, blah blah blah!!!

Well I hope this finds you all in good health, and in lots of rain...We have had 72mm at Gundallie in the past few days, its been great! Do I sounds like a farmer??Do I, huh Do I?

Love and green fields

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I am back!

I still dont have the internet on out at Gundallie, hell I dont even have a phone, but I am getting closer. This site will be bombarded with photos of everthing from my veggie patch, my two horses, my lovely new house ( in the shape of a shed!) and my NOW feral children and husband who are loving the space to run and play from morning til night. We also just got a puppy 'Bindi'(foxie x jack russel to keep away the snakes and rats) and a kitten 'Moe'. We thought it was a good idea to get these new members while we are in the shed, and there is not much to destroy. I would break my heart to watch them poo and wee on new carpet!

I have to go to work now, but I will try and keep this a little more regular. Cant wait to share all my new photos!

Love and starry nights

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Kids

Just a quick post to show off my beautiful children. Jorja and Hollie love every second of being in front of the camera, but Jesse is hard work and I have to get it right first time....OOOHHH the pressure!!! We are flat strap at the moment trying to pack and get ready of Chrissy day. We are camping at the farm on boxing day, cant wait. We are thinking of calling the farm 'Gundallie' I liked Jess's idea of mixing Benn's parents property with my parents property. Benn's is called 'Gundaroo', and of course 'Netallie' is mum's. Mix the two and you get Gundallie.....What do you think?? The new address is 197 Park Drv, KILCOY QLD 4515. But we wont be living there for a while yet...and we will be moving into mum's next week.

Well I am going to have a sleep, I worked last night and got flogged (not literally) I started at 9 pm and worked flat out until 6 this morning, without a break! The way I feel right now, if Santa walked past me I am likely to rip his bead off and shove it in his gum boots, for the kids sake I will sleep for a little off!
Love to you all on this beautiful Christmas Eve...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Merry Cristmas

Why is Christmas always the busiest time of the year? We know it is coming...every year, but no matter how carefully you plan the whole event, last minute things just pop up and make you busy all over again! I must say, we have really brought it all on ourselves. Our farm settled yesterday, and now comes all the work to get it ready to live on before the kids go back to school on the 29th of Jan. The kids have had their interviews at the new school, and they love it. It is in the middle of a huge paddock, and they quite often have to shooo cows and lamas out of the playground. It seems very personal and caring, so although the snob was coming out in me a bit with the kids at a 'private school'(said with nose in the air), I am very happy to have them move to Mt Kilcoy Primary. They will be mixing it with the famous there as Craig Lowndes lives just up the road and comes in to talk to the kids often, and his child will be starting about the same time as Hollie!

I am back working full time in the ambulance, and I must say, I am loving it. I didnt realise how mush I missed all my friends, and it has been great getting the cobwebs of the old brain.

I will be sending chrissy cards as soon as I get the annual christmas photos of the kids. Would you all be so kind as to send your addresses if you post comments, I would really appreciate it.

Here is a photo of Benn and I, the proud new owners out the front of our new 34 acres at Sandy Creek. If you can think of any cool names for our new block, I would love to hear them!

Here is a photo of Jesse with his surf board under is arm ( he had been paddeling in the dam, no surf out here!) and Ace, our Springer Spaniel, running up our new driveway!

Love and Christmas Cheer!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mixed Feelings

Today is my first shift back in the ambulance, and I must say it comes with mixed feelings. I am excited to see all my old friends again (you make very close friends when you are put in terrifying and devistating situations with someone day in day out). But I am very nervous about how I will handle things thrown my way. I have not entered an Ambulance since I saw mum being wheeled out of one covered in blood, when she had that horrible vein burst in her throat. So I just needed to tell everyone that in case you have to let the man in the white coat know why I wont stop staring into space, rocking in the corner....LOL Nah...She'll be right mate!

Well on to some great news! Benn and I have just signed a contract on a beautiful 34 acre block at Sandy Creek, about 10 kms from Kilcoy. It has no house, or fences, just a beautiful big dam and a massive mountain at the back. I love it! We will have to sell our beach house to gain this property, but I feel it is small price to pay for a dream. We are going to start learning about looking after cattle and what are the right breeds for the area (any help out there???)and hopefully make a bit of money on the side. I am already planning my massive veggie plantation, and fruit orchard. Anyone who knows me will also know that I will have every animal I can fit in a paddock. My horse is going to love it out there, as the block happens to be next door to Andi (she has also just signed a contact for 30 odd acres) and she is building a flood-lit rodeo style arena, and as her man in a bronc rider, it will also have shutes (Jesse has already said he want to ride one of our potty calves at first chance..mental note: dont tell mum, she may never let me leave)

I know it is delayed, but here is a photo of Jorja's birthday party. The girls had just had a shower after playing at the beach, and were all pulling funny faces. Hollie had heaps of fun hangin out with the big girls.

Well must go and get ready for work,
Love and country air

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Last Term for 2006

Well school holidays are over and Gregg and Susan have gone back to Dubbo. Everything is back to normal, and I am left sitting here missing the company. Hollie and I have been keeping busy, but I really miss the kids being home. I really do love school holidays.

While Gregg and susan were here we went and visited Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo.
Here is a picture of Hollie and I patting a croc. We had a ball, although I must admit that I shed a few tears during a dedication to Steve at the crocasium..

This one is of Jorja and Jesse, also at Australia Zoo. Hollie wouldn't go near the fake crocodile, she just liked the little real one.

Benn and I are seriously looking at buying a 30 acre block near Woodford (about 40km south west of Caloundra). We would have to build a home on the block, and do fences etc, but it is affordable, and it the lifestyle we are looking for. We just dont want to sell our home, one street from the beach, cause in years to come it will be worth a mint. We are at a cross road, and dont know what path to take.

Must go now, a friend has just dropped over for coffee
Love and acreage living

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Well there you go!!
You all requested photos of me and you got me!!! Larger then life and pissed as a fart!

How sad is it that I could only find a couple of piccies of me and I was Molly the Monk in both. The first one is Andi and I at the Mud Bulls and Music last year. We had a phat time! For those who dont know Andi, she has been my best friend since high school, and is Hollie's Fariy God Mother. We also both joined the ambulance about 8 years ago and have both since resigned, so we have great war stories to tell after a few drinks, best not told while eating LOL!! Andi is a horse GURU and could write a book with all the knowledge she contains on the issue, so I am very privilaged to have her around while I am trying to train my horse, Diva.

The second photo was taken at the local pub in Caloundra with Andi and her sister, Renea. It was taken by one of those random photographers that post them on the internet and you can download them for free, and you get all there advertising with it!!Yah!! Its great for those of us who dont remember to carry cameras with us!

Here is my horse, Diva. Isnt she lovely?? Andi bought her for herself, but once she realised how quite and smart she was, she sold her to me. She has been a bit naughty lately but Andi came out and rode her for about 90 minutes and now everything is fixed, she just needed a tune up. We still have a bit of training left before I can start seriously working in the direction I want her in, but I am having a ball along the way. Look out for our names in lights at the next rodeo near you!! Hey, dreams are free!

Well enough about me, I will write again soon after the holidays, its just too busy at the moment to get time out, and Benn's dad, Gregg and his wife Susan are coming to stay for 10 days after Jorja's birthday. We are going out to Australia Zoo, and all the other tourist things so it should be fun.

Love and crocodile tears